Tuesday, 24 January 2012


Everyone and everything is wet here today.
We have had continuous heavy showers 
throughout the night and it has rained all morning.

Unlike the unfortunate creatures in our garden,
we are all nice and cosy (although the wallabies
are all now taking shelter under the verandahs).

We are all extremely lucky here
that we are not expected anywhere
today, so we are taking full advantage
and doing rainy day things like sleeping in,
reading books, tidying and creating.


  1. ahhhhhhh I WISH we could get a big of your wet stuff!

  2. Well Ronnie, seems we have plenty of wet stuff to share, with lots of flash flooding and plenty more storms and rain predicted. I will ask some of the passing clouds if they would be as kind to drop by over your place and let go a little bit of their precious cargo there instead, seems a bit lazy to drop it all in one place here!
